Tuesday, 15 November 2011


well, the previous entry, i already talk a little bit about the subject i taken right?? well i only talked about sub subject only hehe http://www.smileycodes.info well, the main subject at there is biology, chemistry, mathematics, english and science computer... actually we have 3 modul, modul one consists this subject (biology, physics, chemistry, english and mathematics) while modul two is (physics, science computer, english, mathematics and chemistry) how about modul three??? well i take the modul 3, the subject i taken is as i stated before... ;) between this three, there are different between it.. what the different??? find yourself haha XD http://www.smileycodes.info (not like this =_=')

now, let's move on to the topic about my j-robik class... hehe when my lecturer tell us, that we got this, i was relieved because i like with this type of activities coz i like exercises too, and since i like dance that's why i like... actually j-robik same with dance just a little bit different but i like more dance hehe let's move to other part which when we are practice (my classmates).. it will be lie if i said there are no fight when do work with group.. well, people have different personalities right?? even sometimes we argue, we still be friend keke even sometimes there are something going wrong, they still give a commitment to do j-robik... when we do the formation of j-robik, all of us give the idea also when we do aerobics, different idea was come out to make our performance look great.. that's why sometimes we quarrel hehe

(practice time)

(another practice time in night but only 4 girls i put here ;) )

only two picture i put here, the other i just keep it keke ah~ wanna know what happen after that??? stay tuned.... ;) ^_^

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